Recipe 02: Thai Inspired Green Curry | VEGAN
a.k.a. Green Curry

🌶 1 Cup of Basil
🌶 1/2 Cup of Cilantro
🌶 1/2 Cup of Parsley
🌶 1 Tablespoon of Ginger
🌶 1 Teaspoon of Turmeric
🌶 1 Teaspoon of Marvetta Mango Pepper Sauce
🌶 A few sprigs of Thyme
🌶 A few cloves of Garlic (roasted if you're fancy*)
1. Muddle or blend all green seasoning ingredients together until it creates a thick paste.
- You can use this seasoning to make marinades, dressings, etc.
- Customize by adding your favorite herbs!
- If your paste needs more liquid, you can use lime juice
- I *love* garlic and usually add a lot to my dishes. Keep in mind that Marvetta might have enough garlic for you, I'd check first before adding additional garlic.
- Store the rest in a reusable Marvetta jar, keep in the fridge for up to 3 days and enjoy :)
🌶 1 Onion, chopped (I used Spanish, use whatever kind you love)
🌶 2-3 Carrots, peeled and sliced
🌶 2-3 Japanese Eggplants, sliced
🌶 1 Red Pepper, diced
🌶 1/2 Green Pepper, diced
🌶 1 Green Long Hot Pepper, roughly chopped
🌶 2-4 Cups of Bok Choy leaves
🌶 1 Can of Coconut Milk or Coconut Cream
🌶 Broth, same amount as coconut base* (veggie broth to keep vegan!)
🌶 1 Tablespoon of Natural Oil (I used grapeseed)
🌶 A Squeeze of Lime
🌶 1-2 Teaspoons of Marvetta Mango Pepper Sauce (not optional)
🌶 Salt and Pepper to Taste
1. Add oil to a hot pan and sauté the onion and carrots for about 3-5 minutes.
2. Add Green Seasoning and cook for about 3 minutes.
3. Add equal p5arts coconut milk/cream and broth, bring to a simmer and cook for about 15 minutes.
- You can add salt, pepper and dry seasonings now, or wait until you add the remaining veggies. I’d recommend tasting the broth first before adding salt; your broth or coconut base might have added sodium! Try adding just a little at a time.
- If you are a spice lover like me, definitely add at least 1 tsp of Marvetta Mango Pepper Sauce to your broth (I add 2).
4. Add long hot pepper and eggplant, cook for about 5-10 minutes.
5. Add bok choy leaves and red/green peppers, turn off the fire and stir.
6. Squeeze in a little lime if you’d like, and garnish with a little fresh basil!
- It should be 1:1 coconut base and broth, I used 2 cups of each.
- You can use 1 green pepper instead of using the long hot pepper, I just like the taste. I use the seeds as well. The pepper is not hot at all, just flavorful.
- We ate ours with rice.
Pics by Mariana Lyra